Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

Reach your customers faster with a multi-platform mobile app

We Create Innovative and Versatile

Cross-platform Applications for Startups & Enterprises

CREATE SIMILAR NATIVE CROSSPIATFORM APPS Although native apps have advantages, a well-designed cross-platform mobile app makes a huge difference and offers many other benefits to users by allowing them to access their products on multiple platforms. We offer multi-performance applications by writing code once and running it on various other platforms, such as iOS, Android and Windows mobile platforms. With more than 5 years of experience, our team has proven its excellence in writing compact and clean code on web technologies. We create beautiful hybrid applications with improved performance and develop the required protocol stack. With our extensive experience in developing various cross-platform mobile applications for a wide range of mobile devices and platforms, we offer Cross-platform application development services where applications are created by writing code once and they run on multiple mobile platforms, which helps to develop an application in less time and at a lower cost.

Cross-Platform Technologies We Use

Our development teams are technology experts who contribute to the success and effectiveness of cross-platform application development projects.

Flutter Development


Flutter, a relatively recent addition to Google’s cross-platform development space that boosts efficiency and productivity in building high-performance, high-fidelity applications.

React Native Development

React Native

React Native, which helps accelerate cross-platform development so that we can deliver efficiency to our customers.

Xamarin Development


Xamarin, a unique and robust technology stack that saves time and resources while providing a smooth, reliable and intuitive user experience across all platforms.

WHY SMAC Softwares

Greatness of Your Project Team


SMAC Softwares has considerable experience in the design and development of cross-platform applications. Our mobile solutions ensure cross-platform compatibility, as well as platform-specific features and appearance.

By providing robust hybrid mobile applications, our team helps businesses engage their potential users across a variety of platforms and devices. We focus on planning, orchestrated execution, and quality controls to make sure the outcome matches your business goals, schedule and budget.

End-to-End Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Service

Accelerate your time to market, optimize your budget & transform your business.

1. Analysis and Planning

By performing a Product Needs Assessment during the discovery phase of the project, our business analysts establish important prerequisites for delivering a mobile solution that matches customer expectations. By making sure they have a correct understanding of business processes and goals, they will prioritize requirements and identify potential development challenges. Working on detailed specifications and prototyping of applications helps us validate functionality, create a project roadmap and define the scope of work.

2. Design and Development

The challenge of cross-platform development is to make the app feel right at home on every device, whether it’s Android, iOS or Windows Phone-based. Using development tools, our engineers are able to recreate the native experience and performance on every platform. When we create mobile solutions, we use the iterative development methodology which helps us to reduce project expenses, take into account all customer wishes and finish work on time.


3. Testing and Deployment

When working on cross-platform apps, it’s important to make sure that they run smoothly on all mobile operating systems on many devices. Our testers and QA experts are actively involved in the development of the project from the start. By performing a thorough analysis, they identify bottlenecks and product defects in order to resolve any issues and optimize application performance. After all, our specialists will help you implement the application. You can rely on their knowledge of posting requirements and procedures, which is a guarantee against your application being rejected by any of the stores.


4. Support and Optimization

Like any other technology, a mobile application must be maintained over time. SMAC Softwares provides all kinds of support and optimization services to its customers. This includes bug fixes, adding new features, extending functionality, increasing backend capacity, and updating the app. The main goal of all of these post-production activities is to ensure that our mobile solution meets new technology and user requirements and matches business needs as they evolve.

Cross-Platform App Dev for All Organizations

Whether you are a startup, a commercial organization, or a public or non-profit agency, SMAC Softwares has the resources and expertise to provide cross-platform application development that is right for you. We work with organizations across a wide range of industries, including:











Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Food & Drink

Food & Drink









Photo & Video

Photo & Video



Social Networking

Social Networking









Looking to Build Cross-platform Apps?

4 + 10 =

FAQs Related To Cross-Platform App Development

What is cross platform app development?

Cross-platform application development refers to the process of developing an application that will run on multiple platforms and operating systems. Most often, this can be the development of an app that can be packaged for Android and Apple devices. However, it can be developed as an app for any multi-channel use.

Cross-platform application development is opposed to native application development, which occurs when you create an application specifically for Android, iOS, or another operating system. When developing native applications, programmers use specific codes. Android requires the use of Kotlin, Java or C ++ and iOS requires the use of Swift or Objective-C. Products developed in these different languages ​​are not ready to be distributed on other systems.

When building cross-platform mobile applications, developers use programming languages ​​and technical options such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML that are not specific to a single platform. Once created, applications are packaged in virtual “containers” that allow them to function and interface with each platform.

Why develop cross platform mobile apps?

Cross-platform mobile app development allows you to deliver your app to as many users as possible and not alienate any part of your user base or target audience.

As you can see, by developing a mobile app that works on both Android and iOS, you can basically cover all mobile device users. If your app isn’t working on iOS, you’re missing a quarter or more of potential users, depending on the preferences of your target audience. And ignoring Android leads to an even bigger missed opportunity for most businesses.

Of course, you can develop an iOS application, then develop an Android application or vice versa. It is also an option to develop the two applications separately but in tandem. But all of these choices mean more work, expense, and time. Switching to cross-platform application development processes instead of individual application development options can help you save time and money by bringing applications to market faster and with a more affordable budget for your business. organization.

However, developing cross-platform applications presents some challenges. This requires more complicated code because you are combining components native to each platform and non-native components that can run on each. Even these types of apps don’t support all native-only features, including some 3D effects or animations, limiting certain design elements and customer experience to what works on all platforms involved. Update issues can also arise because a cross-platform app needs to be updated separately when Apple or Google updates platforms – native iOS and Android apps tend to update automatically.

Because of these potential obstacles, it may be preferable to develop some applications separately using native application development services. Whether cross-platform application development is right for your project is something you will need to consider with your development team, but this process generally works best for projects that don’t require extremely advanced design elements, have design requirements. important data processing or require access to platform-specific functionalities.

How much does cross platform app development cost?

The costs of developing cross-platform applications depend on a variety of factors, including the complexity of your project, the types of integrations you need, the number of platforms you want to develop for, and the type of development team you are working with. work.

In some cases, the costs of developing cross-platform applications are lower than other forms of application development, and of course, it is generally less expensive to develop an application that runs on multiple platforms at the same time as developing applications for each platform individually Cross-platform application development relies on unique code that can be reused, which is faster and requires less effort for quality testing.

The only way to understand the costs of your specific cross-platform application project is to get a quote. Contact SMAC Softwares today and give us information on what you want to achieve with your application. Our team can help you understand the options you need and the potential costs for each.

Are there any hidden charges for cross-platform app development?

No, we discuss everything with you from application development requirements to your budget constraints, and only then do we price the project accordingly. So you can rest assured that you will only pay what you actually agreed to at the start of the project.

Is it possible to transform my old application?

Yes, we can transform or improve your old application. Our developers, analysts and designers work as a team and try to work out all possible changes and their outcomes for you. These changes or transformations bring innovation, growth and value to your business.

How much time does it take to develop a mobile app?

The development cycle of an application has several stages. We have to go through several processes such as planning, design, development, testing, feedback, modification, and then distribution. The complexity of the application also plays an important role in the development cycle, so to know the estimated time you can share your needs and your budget for your project.